Sunday, March 15, 2009

Podcast Improvements

The first podcast I listened to from last semester's EDM 310 students was
"Useful Blogs for Teachers" S09JST1101 by Helen Ramsay, MariKate Howell, Rachael Bradford and Stacey Sylvester. The speakers were informative on blogs that teachers can use in their classroom and how they are useful. The students had great information, but it was hard to understand one particular student. I realized that it's important to be articulate and pronounce words clearly.

The next podcast I listened to was "The Pros and Cons of Wikipedia" S09JST0901 by Courtney Rose, Leah Hall and Annie Hutson. In this podcast, the students gave good information, but there was a lot of slang language. I think that if we're going to be teachers, we should use proper English, and try to limit the "uh's," "like's," and "um's" in our speech.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Teachers Connecting 5: Scrabble

This podcast was interesting to me because I like SmartBoards and I've used them many times. This podcast was about giving teachers ideas in how to used SmartBoards in classroom collaboration. The speaker in the podcast gave lists of mind-mapping sites for teachers to use. The speaker said to use case-studies and scenarios to teach teachers how to use technology. The podcast had a special speaker name Troy who went around to schools showing teachers how to use these boards. He created a scabble game to use.

Kidcast 59: Beyond Passive Listening - Active Engagement with Podcasting

The speaker in this podcasts says that teachers are trying to pull iPods into the classroom to avoid passive listening. Teachers want their student actively engaged. The speaker gives ideas on how to do this: put activation points in podcasts. Some ideas are to ask students if they agree with the speaker of the podcast and the information they are giving, ask the students to find information to back up the speaker, or have the students turn to their neighbor and teach what they have learned. 2009-03-12 SEEDlings

In this podcast, the guest speaker is the creator of After hearing about this website, I was dying to check it out. At this site, you can make your own flash cards, make study groups, and find other memorization techniques. I thought it was very interesting. No more spending large amounts of time on making flashcards!